====== References ====== In this namespace you can define commonly used notes (i.e., //references//) for the [[doku>plugin:refnotes|RefNotes plugin]]. You can define references using [[wp>BibTeX]] syntax. BibTeX entries have to be wrapped into a ''...'' section. The key of BibTeX entry serves as the reference name. A separate namespace for accessing those references can be either specified as part of the key or in a separate comment (see example below) for all entries that follow. Always use a namespace within ''cite:'' to get the correct formatting of references. ===== BibTeX example ===== In this example we cite [(:cite:example:schrodinger1935)] and [(:cite:example:kepler1937)] with the markup code ''%%[(:cite:example:schrodinger1935)]%%'' and ''%%[(:cite:example:kepler1937)]%%'' respectively. @comment{refnotes, namespace = "cite:example" } @article{schrodinger1935, title={Die gegenwärtige Situation in der Quantenmechanik}, author={Schrödinger, Erwin}, journal={Naturwissenschaften}, volume={23}, number={49}, pages={823--828}, year={1935}, publisher={Springer} } @book{kepler1937, title={Astronomia nova}, author={Kepler, Johannes and Caspar, Max and von Dyck, Walther and Hammer, Franz}, year={1937}, publisher={CH Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung} }